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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick

News - Eco School

2022/2023 School Year

30th Mar 2023
P6/7 have been helping out our Eco-Club this week. We have been in the science garden...
30th Mar 2023
We are many weeks in now and the caterpillars have been feeding non stop. They are...
24th Mar 2023
We had a great turnout this morning for our big walk to school. It was lovely to...
22nd Mar 2023
Today was World Water Day. Primary 3-7 were involved in a live session on Teams...
23rd Feb 2023
The foundation stage pupils went for a walk around the school grounds to look for...
21st Feb 2023
Eco Club commenced yesterday and we were very busy decorating display stones, colouring...
1st Feb 2023
Today we celebrate Saint Brigid’s day. Saint Brigid is the patron saint of...
26th Jan 2023
This week we welcomed Iain back from Sustrans. He completed different workshops...
20th Jan 2023
Whilst we were out and about this morning we also helped clean up the local roads...