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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick

News - PTA

2023/2024 School Year

26th Apr 2024
Today we celebrated treat Friday in school. The boys and girls enjoyed chocolate...
25th Jan 2024
The PTA kindly donated some crisps, sweets and chocolate for our monthly treat day...
8th Dec 2023
Many thanks to our amazing PTA who have purchased a new Panel Board for our P6/7...
8th Dec 2023
Many thanks to our amazing PFTA for our beautiful leavers hoodies. The P7 children...
21st Oct 2023
Today we had another great day at St Malachy’s Primary School. Our PTA organised...
29th Sep 2023
This year we have been focusing on having healthy snacks for morning break in school....

2022/2023 School Year

22nd Jun 2023
What a day!! Today there were many mixed emotions; we were sad to see the P7s finish...
15th Jun 2023
Many thanks to our fantastic PTFA on organising yet another successful fundraising...
28th Apr 2023
We all enjoyed a sweet treat today for our snack. We try hard all week and encourage...
5th Apr 2023
Many thanks to our PTA for organising two super fundraising activities. Many thanks...