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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick

News - Whizz Kids

2023/2024 School Year

24th Nov 2023
Well done to all our super workers and role models this week and month 💫💫
27th Oct 2023
Super work this week and this month for our Whizz and Principal winners! A great...
21st Oct 2023
Well done everybody another fab week!! ❤️💚💫💫
13th Oct 2023
Well done to our super workers this week. Great work and attitudes to learning and...
29th Sep 2023
Super work boys and girls 💫💫💫

2022/2023 School Year

9th Jun 2023
Well done to our award winners this week-  Cliodhna, Chloe and Joe! Great job...
4th Apr 2023
Well done to our super Mathletics stars who have been working hard all term. We have...
31st Mar 2023
Well done to our award winners for this week- Lucy, Rhys and Joshua. The principal...
3rd Mar 2023
A massive congratulations and well done to our prize winners this week for super...
24th Feb 2023
Well done to this week’s award winners Lucy, Bella and Connie. Great efforts...