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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick


2023/2024 School Year

18th Apr 2024
As part of our topic on Water we have been developing our animation skills. The primary...
17th Apr 2024
As part of our new topic we have been busy lighting our very own Olympic flame.
17th Apr 2024
The pupils in P3/4/5 were using pasta to punctuate sentences with speech marks and...
17th Apr 2024
The pupils enjoyed a skills session with Danny Toner, to help improve their skills...
16th Apr 2024
This morning Primary 1 and 2 were fantastic at their listening and following instructions...
16th Apr 2024
The ECO club went to the community garden to turn the soil ahead of their spring...
11th Apr 2024
After all the rain over the last few weeks, the children really enjoyed the sunshine...
28th Mar 2024
A huge thank you to our fantastic PTA who do so much for our school. Yesterday that...
27th Mar 2024
As part of their topic on Ireland, the P3,4,5 class have been learning about the...
27th Mar 2024
We have been busy little chicks in Primary and 2 getting ready for Easter. The boys...