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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick


2021/2022 School Year

24th Mar 2022
We had another great afternoon on the pitch doing PE with Alan. The boys and girls...
24th Mar 2022
Today we held our annual cake sale to raise funds for the Trócaire Lenten...
24th Mar 2022
Yesterday we celebrated World Maths Day in school. Throughout the day each class...
21st Mar 2022
In school we have an abundance of talented children. Some of our children especially...
17th Mar 2022
This week the children had lots of fun in our after schools clubs.  In art...
17th Mar 2022
On Wednesday 16th March children in school dressed up in green to pay tribute to...
16th Mar 2022
This morning we had some more super PE sessions on the pitch again with Alan Johnston....
15th Mar 2022
School has recently joined Twitter. Please click on the link to follow and like...
15th Mar 2022
While Primary 4 and 5 went swimming Primary 3 took the opportunity to celebrate...
14th Mar 2022
On a wintery Monday morning Primary 3, along with the choir braved the elements...