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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick


2021/2022 School Year

19th Jun 2022
On Friday we said goodbye to our amazing Primary 7 class.   We began with a...
15th Jun 2022
This afternoon we held our annual sports day at our school pitch. It was a great...
15th Jun 2022
Today we all had a fabulous day filled with loads of fun and sporting activities!...
12th Jun 2022
Another busy week was had by all. There are lots of different events coming up this...
11th Jun 2022
On Wednesday 8th June we all left on an amazing adventure to Tayto park. There are...
10th Jun 2022
Today we could’ve given the awards to every child for exceptional behaviour...
8th Jun 2022
Today we all arrived at school a little earlier than usual in anticipation for a...
1st Jun 2022
This week we had a visit from Julie from Dogs Trust. Julie worked with each class...
1st Jun 2022
Wow wow wow!!  On Monday morning our P6/7 class set off on their highly anticipated...
31st May 2022
The Foundation Stage pupils had lots of fun choosing items to weigh.  They...