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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick


2023/2024 School Year

21st Jan 2024
The P3/4/5 class have recently started working through their next PE theme of Gymnastics...
17th Jan 2024
This morning we went out on our annual RSPB bird watch and walk in Kilclief. This...
9th Jan 2024
Monday was week one of our sewing club in St Malachy’s. The boys and girls...
8th Jan 2024
This morning we had some cute and cuddly visitors in school. Mrs Mc Mullan brought...
5th Jan 2024
Today, Primary 1 and 2 were out planting Winter bulbs in the school garden. Well...
21st Dec 2023
Congratulations to Sophie in P5 who gained five firsts in the easy reel, slip jig,...
21st Dec 2023
Tuesday evening and Wednesday morning, the boys and girls performed their annual...
19th Dec 2023
The official switch on of the Christmas tree in the Kilclief Community Garden took...
12th Dec 2023
The pupils enjoyed a delicious Christmas dinner in school today.  They even...
12th Dec 2023
We have been getting in the festive spirit and having great fun with the selfie photo...