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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick

News - P1/P2

2022/2023 School Year

27th Apr 2023
P1/2 have been learning about the Vv sound this week by exploring the sound sack...
20th Apr 2023
The pupils in the foundation stage enjoyed practicing writing their tricky words...
19th Apr 2023
One of our caterpillars has turned into a butterfly! We aren’t sure if it’s...
5th Apr 2023
The P1/2’s had lots of fun playing with their friends from Playlinks this...
4th Apr 2023
P1/2 have been busy making Easter Bonnets in preparation for the Easter bunny.  We...
30th Mar 2023
We are many weeks in now and the caterpillars have been feeding non stop. They are...
28th Mar 2023
The pupils enjoyed participating in a music session with Elaine from ‘Minnie’s...
23rd Mar 2023
The pupils enjoyed participating in various activities to practice making 5.  They...
22nd Mar 2023
Primary 1/2 as part of their Minibeasts topic and P3/4/5 as part of their topic...
16th Mar 2023
Miss Lennons class and Mrs McVeigh class have both received and been nurturing some...