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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick

News - P1/P2

2022/2023 School Year

26th Jun 2023
The foundation stage class enjoyed lots of planting this year, and today we had...
16th Jun 2023
The foundation stage class welcomed next years P1 pupils back again for their final...
8th Jun 2023
The pupils in our foundation stage class have had a busy week.  They have been...
8th Jun 2023
This morning in the foundation stage class, we had some very special guests.  Some...
16th May 2023
P1/2 have been doing lots of practical addition adding sets of numbers within 10....
16th May 2023
P1/2 have been practicing ordering numbers 1-20 using the IZAK 9 cubes.  We...
5th May 2023
The boys and girls in P1/2 had some delicious fun making cornflake buns and top...
4th May 2023
We are currently exploring ‘water’ as part of our World Around Us topic....
4th May 2023
The foundation stage pupils explored syllables this week.  We were identifying...
3rd May 2023
Today was a very exciting day in the Foundation stage class and in P3/4/5. Our butterflies...