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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick

News - Homepage

2021/2022 School Year

1st Jun 2022
This week we had a visit from Julie from Dogs Trust. Julie worked with each class...
1st Jun 2022
Wow wow wow!!  On Monday morning our P6/7 class set off on their highly anticipated...
31st May 2022
The Foundation Stage pupils had lots of fun choosing items to weigh.  They...
30th May 2022
Day one was a massive success! Lots of extremely happy boys and girls. Mrs McMullan...
28th May 2022
Today our wonderful Primary Four boys and girls received their First Holy Communion....
27th May 2022
It has been another busy week in school, with lots of visitors, big and small! Click...
26th May 2022
Next year’s P1’s came to visit us in school today for one of their transition...
24th May 2022
We have been practicing our phonics in the foundation stage.  We also built...
20th May 2022
Click on the link to see what we got up to this week, and what’s coming up...
19th May 2022
Everyday in P3/4/5 is always full of new adventure and learning! As today was outdoor...