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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick


2023/2024 School Year

14th May 2024
Congratulations to Sophie in primary five who achieved three firsts, a second, a...
14th May 2024
It was a wet Monday in ECO club today, but it didn’t put the pupils off getting...
9th May 2024
On Thursday 9th May the Primary 7 children in our parish received the Sacrament of...
9th May 2024
Our new P1/2 Learning Area is nearly completed and doesn’t it look superb 😊😊...
8th May 2024
We are so proud of Ella, Bella and Chloe who danced brilliantly at their recent dancing...
3rd May 2024
Today as part of our water topic we invited some very cute little water lovers. We...
3rd May 2024
As part of our Extra curricular activities in our school, our P7 pupils over the...
2nd May 2024
Art club today was a joint creative effort. We drew round feather templates and cut...
2nd May 2024
As part of our water topic tried and tested something we saw online. Did you know...
2nd May 2024
During structured play this morning, the boys and girls all designed and built their...