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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick


2022/2023 School Year

23rd Nov 2022
Christmas will be here in 32 days. In saint Malachy's we are full on practicing...
22nd Nov 2022
This week the boys and girls in Primary 6/7 participated in an online workshop with...
22nd Nov 2022
Everyone welcome to come along to see our wonderful school 📚✏️
22nd Nov 2022
The foundation stage class have been reading Goldilocks and The Three Bears as part...
22nd Nov 2022
Today Primary 3,4 and 5 were involved in a fantastic zoom video call lesson with...
17th Nov 2022
Today as part of Anti-bullying week 2022 the P6/7 children had the opportunity to...
16th Nov 2022
This week in P3, 4 and 5 we have been working hard on our report writing, using...
16th Nov 2022
This week in Art club we created pictures depicting the four different seasons....
15th Nov 2022
The foundation stage class have been busy learning all about the e sound this week....
14th Nov 2022
Today the children wore odd socks to school in order to raise awareness and to spread...