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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick


2023/2024 School Year

25th May 2024
It was a gorgeous morning for our P4 boys and girls celebrating their First Holy...
24th May 2024
Today we had a break the rules day in St Malachy’s. They were allowed to bring...
22nd May 2024
The primary three to seven pupils participated in an online numeracy lesson with...
21st May 2024
We were out on this beautiful morning with Danny Toner for some weekly hurling practice....
21st May 2024
We had a busy afternoon in ECO club, replacing flowers in our Lego planters around...
17th May 2024
This week in art club the boys and girls all worked creatively together to create...
16th May 2024
This year we have been focusing on animation as one of our ICT targets.  We...
14th May 2024
Congratulations to Sophie in primary five who achieved three firsts, a second, a...
14th May 2024
It was a wet Monday in ECO club today, but it didn’t put the pupils off getting...
9th May 2024
On Thursday 9th May the Primary 7 children in our parish received the Sacrament of...