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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick


2023/2024 School Year

30th Jan 2024
These are a few pictures from our Sewing club on a Monday afternoon. The boys and...
25th Jan 2024
The PTA kindly donated some crisps, sweets and chocolate for our monthly treat day...
24th Jan 2024
P2 have been learning to order numbers to 20, identify the number before and after...
24th Jan 2024
As part of our World around us topic in Primary 1 and 2, the children have been learning...
24th Jan 2024
In Primary 1 we have been learning to build small words using the sounds we have...
24th Jan 2024
We have been working through our sounds d, g, o and m over the past couple of weeks....
24th Jan 2024
As part of Catholic Schools week we celebrated Grandparents day in school this morning....
23rd Jan 2024
The P3/4/5 class have been learning about contractions, 2 words that can be joined...
23rd Jan 2024
The P3/4/5 class are practicing regrouping when taking away bigger numbers from smaller...