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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick


2022/2023 School Year

21st Feb 2023
We had some yummy treats in school today  from Mrs L McMullan. Although we...
21st Feb 2023
Eco Club commenced yesterday and we were very busy decorating display stones, colouring...
10th Feb 2023
What a way to finish this term!!  We had a fun filled day today celebrating...
9th Feb 2023
Today P6/7 discussed how we can manage and regulate our emotions, especially when...
9th Feb 2023
In honour of Children’s Mental Health Week, we decided to sing The Climb by...
9th Feb 2023
Today P7 went to the Ballymote Centre in Downpatrick for workshops and talks with...
8th Feb 2023
Art club today was heart themed in the lead up to the Valentines disco on Friday...
8th Feb 2023
This week we are celebrating children’s mental health week. Each class have...
8th Feb 2023
P1/2 have been learning all about capacity.  We had lots of fun measuring capacity...
7th Feb 2023
Today we had a special assembly with Mr Clifford to raise awareness of how to keep...