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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick


2022/2023 School Year

26th Jan 2023
We have been learning about capacity and volume as part of our topic maths. A group...
25th Jan 2023
This week we have been busy developing our understanding of fractions! We have been...
25th Jan 2023
Today we welcomed some very special visitors to school for some brunch. The boys...
25th Jan 2023
In Primary 3/4 and 5 this week we are focusing on the understanding of, identifying...
25th Jan 2023
As part of our World around us topic on castles, P4/5 built castles using clay this...
24th Jan 2023
Well done to last week’s award winners ❤️💚
24th Jan 2023
The foundation stage class welcomed a new friend this morning.  We were participating...
23rd Jan 2023
This week we talked about the importance of STEM for construction, architecture...
23rd Jan 2023
Today P6/7 had their final workshop with Colleen from Mindwise and the Beyond Bricks...
22nd Jan 2023
Please see attached information regarding Kilclief Ben Dearg U12 girls Gaelic training...