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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick


2022/2023 School Year

27th Apr 2023
As part of our topic on Houses and Home, the P4/5 boys and girls having built themselves...
27th Apr 2023
Back in February, the children entered an art competition organised by Glebe House....
27th Apr 2023
P1/2 have been learning about the Vv sound this week by exploring the sound sack...
25th Apr 2023
Another great week at our arts and crafts after-school club. This week we created...
21st Apr 2023
A massive well done to our girls who participated in the local schools tournament...
20th Apr 2023
The pupils in the foundation stage enjoyed practicing writing their tricky words...
20th Apr 2023
The pupils enjoyed using their imaginations to construct something of their choosing...
20th Apr 2023
This week to help us practice and learn our spelling we got very creative. We put...
19th Apr 2023
This week P6/7 have been looking at figurative and literal language. We played some...
19th Apr 2023
Today P6/7 took advantage of the beautiful weather and headed outside for our art...