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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick


2022/2023 School Year

16th May 2023
In craft club this week the children were create collage pictures. They were using...
15th May 2023
On Thursday 11th May the Primary 7 children in our parish received the Sacrament...
14th May 2023
In partnership with Saul GAC, EA Youth Service are offering the opportunity for...
12th May 2023
With our car boot sale fast approaching on Sunday 11th June, children in school...
9th May 2023
As you will have noticed we have been participating in the Irish News Young News...
9th May 2023
P6/7 have been developing their problem solving and thinking skills using pentominoes....
5th May 2023
The boys and girls in P1/2 had some delicious fun making cornflake buns and top...
5th May 2023
The P1/2/3s enjoyed a music session with Minnie’s Music today.  They...
4th May 2023
We are currently exploring ‘water’ as part of our World Around Us topic....
4th May 2023
The foundation stage pupils explored syllables this week.  We were identifying...