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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick


2022/2023 School Year

26th May 2023
Chloe Wallace P3, Fianna Lenaghan P1, Emily Murray P1, Bella Turnball P1 and Derbhail...
25th May 2023
The pupils carried on with their ‘Knex’ projects from last week.  They...
22nd May 2023
This week we created our very own button art. We sketched out our designs and then...
18th May 2023
The pupils in construction club enjoyed using the ‘Knex’ to complete...
18th May 2023
We are super proud of our P7 pupil Breah. Breah was one of the first children in...
18th May 2023
Today we had a great day of outdoor learning with Iain from Sustrans. P1 have...
17th May 2023
Today we have been developing our understanding of shape and measure. Each table...
16th May 2023
Today P7 had a special workshop along with our friends in the Lecale Cluster Schools. ...
16th May 2023
P1/2 have been doing lots of practical addition adding sets of numbers within 10....
16th May 2023
P1/2 have been practicing ordering numbers 1-20 using the IZAK 9 cubes.  We...