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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick


2022/2023 School Year

30th Mar 2023
We are many weeks in now and the caterpillars have been feeding non stop. They are...
30th Mar 2023
Primary 3/4/5 have been working extremely hard on their Numeracy this week. They...
29th Mar 2023
This afternoon, P4/5 we’re doing some paper weaving. They chose different...
28th Mar 2023
The pupils enjoyed participating in a music session with Elaine from ‘Minnie’s...
24th Mar 2023
We had a great turnout this morning for our big walk to school. It was lovely to...
23rd Mar 2023
This week in cookery club we went hot and spicy. We made a chilli, bean and red...
23rd Mar 2023
The pupils enjoyed participating in various activities to practice making 5.  They...
22nd Mar 2023
Today was World Water Day. Primary 3-7 were involved in a live session on Teams...
22nd Mar 2023
Primary 1/2 as part of their Minibeasts topic and P3/4/5 as part of their topic...
16th Mar 2023
Another fantastic effort for our annual green day in school. Lots of fun and games...