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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick


2022/2023 School Year

30th Sep 2022
Click on the link to check out what we have got up to this week!   ...
28th Sep 2022
Today our 3 day cycle programme with Sustrans began.  The boys and girls...
28th Sep 2022
This week in Primary 3, 4 and 5 we have continued our art project on famous artists...
28th Sep 2022
Primary 1/2 had great fun guessing who owned which baby picture.  Our WAU topic...
26th Sep 2022
Today the boys and girls had the opportunity to gain an insight into another language....
22nd Sep 2022
As part of National Coding Week, children in school have been taking part in various...
22nd Sep 2022
This week P6/7 have been working extremely hard to develop their problem solving...
21st Sep 2022
This week in Primary 3/4/5 we have been very industrious and creative in our learning....
20th Sep 2022
Primary 1 and 2 pupils enjoyed some outdoor learning today.  They searched...
16th Sep 2022
We have had another busy and exciting week in school! Click on the link to see what...