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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick


2022/2023 School Year

18th Oct 2022
The boys and girls throughout the school had the opportunity for some small group/one...
13th Oct 2022
This week the boys and girls in P6/7 have been working extremely hard in all areas...
12th Oct 2022
We started Art club today with a full house of creative children aged P1 up to P7....
12th Oct 2022
This week we have been working really hard on our independent writing, handwriting...
11th Oct 2022
Today we had our first after school club of the year. Taking into account the children’s...
11th Oct 2022
Yesterday in school we celebrated World Mental Health day and raised awareness for...
11th Oct 2022
The pupils have been learning the ‘p’ sound.  We explored our sound...
7th Oct 2022
This week in P6/7 we have been planning to write a recount in the form of a complaint....
6th Oct 2022
This week in Primary 3,4 and 5 we have developing our Literacy around the topic...
4th Oct 2022
A other busy afternoon in P1/2.  The pupils were exploring fingerprint art...