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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick


2022/2023 School Year

26th Jun 2023
Last Saturday Jessica competed at Saintfield Show. She won her first class, was...
26th Jun 2023
Last week was our final parent and toddlers session of the year. It has been lovely...
26th Jun 2023
The foundation stage class enjoyed lots of planting this year, and today we had fun...
22nd Jun 2023
What a day!! Today there were many mixed emotions; we were sad to see the P7s finish...
22nd Jun 2023
In construction club this week, we had some fun with the Lego.  After such a...
22nd Jun 2023
Tissues at the ready!! We thought we would share this little video from Mrs McMullan...
20th Jun 2023
We have all had a wonderful day at Airtastic as a special treat for such a busy year....
20th Jun 2023
16th Jun 2023
The foundation stage class welcomed next years P1 pupils back again for their final...
16th Jun 2023
The pupils used the interlocking cubes to make the letters in their names.