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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick

World Maths Day 2022

24th Mar 2022

Yesterday we celebrated World Maths Day in school. Throughout the day each class took part in a range of engaging and fun maths activities. 
Reception, P1/2 participated in a maths hunt finding different items, counting, making shapes and sorting. They had great fun learning outdoors and enjoyed the use of our natural surroundings. It was lovely to see the children embracing all challenges. 

P3/4/5 were exploring fractions and calculating fractions of amounts. They sorted and presented colours of jelly tots. This was a valuable learning experience and enjoyed by all.

P6/7 Have been exploring shape. As part of world maths day we discussed how maths is all around us and talked about jobs which require maths knowledge such as architecture and engineering. We measured the angles and named the different types of lines in our names. The children really enjoyed this lesson and were able to able to apply their learning. 
Throughout the day all children had the opportunity to develop mental maths skills and to compete against their peers and other children around the world in challenges. We also had maths themed warm ups and activities during PE with Alan which helped consolidate our understanding of time as well as team work. A very enjoyable day with lots of enjoyment whilst we were engaged in our learning. Well done boys and girls ❤️💚