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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick


25th Feb 2022

Each term the children decide on a class target of Dojo points and reward for achieving their target. Last term they were aiming for a STEM day as they love STEM and practical activities.
P6/7 had their STEM Day yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed and were fully engaged.
They were set with a challenge to recreate a famous bridge however not only did it have to look like the original, it had to be cost efficient and have a good structure. The boys and girls worked extremely well in their teams and the conversations and discussions were amazing!

Their creations were amazing and many problem solving/thinking skills were developed throughout the activity. We then tested the bridges using dictionaries and books to ensure they were sturdy and robust. Each team calculated the cost of their materials and began to think about some of the real-life problems engineers, contractors etc face. A fab learning experience!