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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick


23rd Feb 2022

Today we had our first STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) After School Club. 
The children were given a task to plan and create the highest possible structure using only straws and tape. It did require the use of our problem solving and thinking skills. We also found that sometimes our initial plans/ideas didn’t work and that we had to think on our feet to make adequate changes. 
There was some excellent team work evident and we all embraced the challenge. We measured and recorded our results and discussed what we would change in the future and how to ensure we had fair tests. 
Lots of cross curricular skills were developed in today’s club and there was positive feedback from the children. 
We have some promising engineers in the making! Well done boys and girls! We do have some limited spaces available in each of our after school clubs this term if anyone else would like to join next week.