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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick

Roald Dahl Day!

13th Sep 2022

"There are a whole lot of things in this world of ours you haven’t even started wondering about yet."- Roald Dahl

In St Malachy’s we endeavour to broaden every child’s horizon and encourage a thirst for knowledge and learning.  Today during Roald Dahl Day each child took part in some different activities to pay homage to “one of the greatest storytellers for children of the 20th and 21st century”.  

In Primary 1/2 children used illustrations from Roald Dahl’s book to make creations from play dough.

Children in P3/4/5 used ‘The Witches’ as inspiration and made some potions using natural materials found in the play ground! 

Whilst children in P6/7 completed some Roald Dahl themed numeracy problems, read a biography about Roald Dahl’s life and finally listened to some ‘Revolting Rhymes’  worked in groups to create and perform their own! 

All children and staff thoroughly enjoyed celebrating the life and works of Roald Dahl today as you can see from our pictures!

‘And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it!’ - Roald Dahl.