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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick

P6/7 outdoor learning during Numeracy

8th Sep 2022

Today P6/7 have been learning about the topic of Measure. We recapped our previous knowledge and understanding of length and completed conversions of units of measure including mm, cm, m and km. Next we discussed the importance of accuracy and suitable units of measure for different scenarios. This was developed further and we learnt about perimeter. We went outside to solve some length problems in our groups. We chose the correct instruments to measure our given areas of the school which included the trundle wheel, meter sticks and tape measures. We solved problems of how we would get accurate measurements of curved lengths etc. This was a valuable learning experience for the boys and girls and they developed not only numeracy skills in measure, but problem solving and thinking skills. Well done boys and girls ☀️📏✏️