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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick

Outdoor Learning Day 2022

19th May 2022

Today was Outdoor Learning day and the weather was on our side! The sun shone brightly and the children had a ball! 
Primary 6 and 7 took their Literacy learning outside and used our senses to help plan and write descriptive poetry using all of the techniques we have been learning about to create imagery. We created some fantastic metaphors ‘… the thin green swords swaying gently in the wind’ and ‘the yellow beachball in the sky shining brightly for all to see’. The use of alliteration, rhyme and similes was also very impressive and give the opportunity to consolidate our learning. The boys and girls thoroughly enjoyed this and found quiet spots around the school to embrace the outdoors and our beautiful natural surroundings. We will now proof read and edit our work, then use ICT to present our poetry before performing them for the other children in school. 

We then completed Mental Maths games outside using the parachutes and developed our understanding and quick recall of table facts, multiples, factors and solved word problems. 

A fabulous day of engaging lessons and learning outdoors.