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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick

Maths Week 2023

20th Oct 2023

What a busy week we have had in Saint Malachy’s with Parents week, Maths Week, treat Friday and a red and green day. We have had a very productive Maths Week Ireland. So much learning has taken place through lots of practical, written, online quizzes and activities inside and outside across the year groups.

Children in Foundation stage have been doing lots of measuring vegetables, problem solving as well as learning new numbers and identifying numbers before and after given numbers. They were even creating 2D shapes in their PE session and balancing on 1,2,3,4 and 5 different parts of their bodies.
Children in P3/4/5 were involved in a super online Maths quiz with over 500 schools across Ireland as well as playing lots of maths games this week. They were also developing their growth mindset by undergoing various problem solving challenges using logic and reasoning. They did this through practical group activities to help them visualise and solve the problems in their groups.
The boys and girls in P6/7 were participating in online activities with schools across across Ireland, using ICT to create Maths themed digital posters, developing their number facts and multiplication skills though the creation of factor bugs alongside lots of Maths board games and online games to enhance their understanding. They also created Shape city scape pictures inspired by artist Paul Klee.
Well done to all the boys and girls. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🌟🌟🌟