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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick

ICT afterschool club 💻 ⏰

11th Oct 2022

Today we had our first after school club of the year.
Taking into account the children’s ideas of which clubs they would like- we have planned to cover as many of these as possible throughout the year. This term we have:
Tuesday- ICT club 

Wednesday- Art Club

Thursday- Outdoor Games 

Art club is at full capacity, however there are limited spaces available in ICT and Outdoor Games if your child would like to join these. 

Today we had a range of activities to suit the needs of the children in the club. Some children developed logging on and making themselves aware of My School and developing mouse skills, some children were using word to add effects to their writing including changing font, size and colour whilst our older children were creating E-Safety posters to raise awareness of staying safe online. Lots of learning was evident and we will continue to ensure each child makes progress throughout the club. 💻