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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick

Guess who? ICT Club week 3

10th Mar 2022

Today in ICT club we created pictures of all the staff in school using a range of resources on Pic Collage. Each child was given the name of a staff member and they had to source an original photo of them either through the school website, photos around school or by taking their photograph if they were still in the building. The children had great fun doing this and keeping their peers in suspense. They then uploaded the photo to Pic Collage and edited them using doodle, stickers etc and recreated their picture. They then came up with three clues to help everyone else guess. 
The boys and girls loved this task and had great fun today! They are already asking to do it again! Well done everyone! Have a go and see if you can guess who they are ☺️