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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick

Extra- Curricular After School Clubs

31st Mar 2022

Children have been thoroughly engaged this week in their after school activities!

In art children learned how to create a super hero based on themselves. There were some beautifully creative end pieces!

In STEM children were faced with an experiment.  What happens to cream when you shake it for a period of time? They soon found out the tasty results, and made toast to try out their freshly made butter! Some children adored their butter, whilst others preferred shop made!

Finally, in ICT club children explored a new app called Tayasui Sketches School. Here the children were able to draw and colour some fabulous pictures. They even got to make their very own stylus out of tinfoil and a cotton bud! 

Lots of valuable learning opportunities to be had over the last 6 weeks. This wraps up our last after school sessions before Easter. Keep your eyes peeled for details of clubs for next term. Very well done to all children who participated in after school activities this term.