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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick

Exhibiting our writing in P6/7 💻 ✏️

7th Oct 2022

This week in P6/7 we have been planning to write a recount in the form of a complaint. We were given the scenario of our worst cinema experience ever and began to write a formal complaint to the manager of the cinema. We discussed lots of literacy terms including sequencing words, powerful verbs, adverbs and adjectives. Firstly we created a plan to organise our ideas and followed the success criteria. Then we logged on to My School and sent an email (only to our teacher this time!). The children really enjoyed all aspects of this and some amazing ICT and literacy skills were developed. Great work boys and girls! We look forward to some role play next week, whereby we will look at the emails from the manager’s perspective.