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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick

Easter problem solving egg hunt 🐣

5th Apr 2023

Today each of the classes completed an Easter egg hunt around the school grounds. Mrs Fitzsimons and Miss Fitzsimons kindly organised all the clues and hid all the eggs. P1/2 and our friends from Playlinks went out first and successfully found all the coloured eggs before coming back in to sort the different letter clues to win a prize Easter egg. P3/4/5 were very brave and completed their Easter egg hunt in the rain before using their clues in the eggs to answer all the questions set out in their clip boards. P6/7 ventured out in the afternoon for a speedy Easter egg hunt, quickly completed in only 10 minutes. They came back in and answered some more tricky topic questions in order to win their Easter eggs.
Well done to all, locating all the egg and solving all the clues.

A special thank you to those who donated Easter eggs for all the children for taking part and to Mr Doherty for donating cream eggs for the whole school. It was a great days fun for all, even in the wet weather didn’t dampen the enjoyment. 🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🪺🪺🪺🪺🪺🪺