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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick

Daily Mile 10th Birthday! 🎈🎊

28th Apr 2022

Each week the boys and girls in St Malachy’s have been taking part in ‘The Daily Mile’. This has proven to very much anticipated each day by the children and the benefits have been amazing! The children have stated that it helps them to keep fit both physically and mentally, it gets them out of the classroom and into the fresh air and it gives them an opportunity to chat with their friends.

Today was the 10th Birthday of ‘The Daily Mile’. We made labels for our t-shirts to say why we love it and headed to the school pitch to complete our mile walk/jog. Everybody felt great after it and thoroughly enjoyed the morning. 

#DailyMile10thBirthday #WorldDailyMileDay