Access Keys:

St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick

Confirmation 2023 🕊️🔥

15th May 2023

On Thursday 11th May the Primary 7 children in our parish received the Sacrament of Confirmation in a beautiful service led by Fr Alexander.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Fitzsimons and everyone at St Joseph’s for hosting this year’s sacrament and providing the beautiful music and for the refreshments following the service. Thank you to Fr John, Fr Alexander and Eamon for helping to prepare the children and the church alongside P7 teachers Mrs McMullan and Miss McErlean. Thank you also to our own staff for their attendance on the day, to Mrs L McMullan and Mrs Brownlee for helping in Inverbrena and to Mrs Fitzsimons for the lovely display of the children’s art. Many thanks to our parents and families for supporting all that we do and for everyone who was involved in anyway. Congratulations and well done boys and girls you were all fantastic 🕊️🔥