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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick

Autumn is here!

6th Oct 2022

This week in Primary 3,4 and 5 we have developing our Literacy around the topic of Autumn. We talked about all the signs of Autumn. How the weather changes, how some animals begin to hibernate or fly away to warmer climates and the celebrations like Halloween and Harvest that occur within this season. The boys and girls used lots of different mediums in their artwork to create collages, drawings and pictures. In the area of Poetry this week, we used our five senses to record what we see, hear, taste, touch and smell in Autumn. Everything from smokey bonfires to sweet apple crumbles. Well done everyone, your poems and artwork are a lovely addition to the classroom displays. Within Numeracy we have been doing a lot of Measuring over the last few week. They children really enjoyed measuring each other using rulers and metres sticks today. We will definitely have to revisit this activity at Christmas to see how much they have grown.