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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick

Another busy week in P3,4 and 5

12th Oct 2022

This week we have been working really hard on our independent writing, handwriting and in particular building 5 star sentences with correct punctuation, formation of letters and adding more detail like prefixes and adverbs. As part of our topic on ourselves and with being so close to Halloween we were building up the bones of the human skeleton. The artist, famous for his self portraits we studied this week was Vincent Van Gogh. The children enjoyed recreating one of his portraits using markers this week to imitate his short brush strokes. We have been extremely busy bees reading each night and working our way through the exciting new reading materials in school. 

In P3,4 and 5 we had a medal winner this week for playing Hurley. Well done Elianah. Keep it up.