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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick

Another Busy Day in P3/4/5

19th May 2022

Everyday in P3/4/5 is always full of new adventure and learning! As today was outdoor learning day, we decided to take our procedural writing outside and make a new recipe for our mud kitchen. The children went outside to create a new dish for the mud kitchen using all of the natural resources outside. The children were so inventive. One set of children made ‘chicken curry’, and used daisy petals as rice! Another set of children made a ‘summer salad’ and made it their mission to find lots of different colours of vegetation and flowers. We then took our drafts inside and over the next week or two will redraft to make their recipe just perfect 👌. 

Then, Aoife from REACH came to see us again. Today we learned how to ‘stay in the moment’. She talked about ‘time travelling’ and how it is sometimes not helpful to focus on the past, or worry about the future.  Instead we should enjoy the present moment. We then wrapped the session up with some wonderful guided meditation and mindful colouring. We look forward to welcoming Aoife back into our classroom next week! 

Finally, we took a quiet moment to continue to help the Primary Four children prepare for their First Holy Communion on Saturday 28th May. We talked about Holy Thursday, broke bread and ate grapes just as Jesus did during The Last Supper. Father John also kindly supplied us with some unblessed Holy Communion, which gave the P4 children the opportunity to practice receiving the Body of Christ. 

Please enjoy perusing through our photos of another busy day in Primary 3/4/5!