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St Malachy's Primary School, Kilclief, Downpatrick

A visit from Dr Bike!

14th Sep 2022

This morning children in school had the privilege of welcoming Iain from Sustrans, who is more commonly known as Dr Bike! Sustrans is a Nationwide charity that works along side schools, businesses and the government. We have been lucky enough to be accepted into the Active School Travel Programme this year, and will have regular visits and workshops with Iain throughout the year. Today children took part in an interactive assembly, and learned about different aspects of the Sustrans charity and how to keep safe when out and about, whether you’re cycling, scooting or walking.  

After that, Primary 6/7 had a class workshop and learned all about bike checks before hitting the road.  All children were very eager to answer questions and participate in the workshop. Iain then checked all of the children’s bikes in Primary 6/7 to ensure they are safe to take on the road.  We look forward to welcoming Iain back in the coming weeks to lead the children in P6/7 in a cycling workshop. We cannot wait to get started!