
School Dinners
Education Authority school meals are available on a daily basis at a charge of £2.60. They are normally paid for on the first day of the week but can be ordered on a daily or occasional basis, on the day that they are required.
Free School Meals
Information on Free School Meals, including eligibility, how to apply and contact details can be found here: https://www.eani.org.uk/financial-help/free-school-meals-uniform-grants
Packed Lunches
Children can chose to bring a packed lunch instead of School Dinners. It is recommended that packed lunches provide as many healthy options as possible for the children. Guidelines and ideas for healthy, nutritious packed lunches are available here: https://www.publichealth.hscni.net/sites/default/files/Healthier%20Lunch%20Boxes.pdf
A few things to avoid should be noted:
• Drinks should be non-fizzy, preferably fruit juice, milk or water
• Glass bottles must not be used to hold drinks, as they are dangerous if broken
• No hot soups, hot chocolate drinks or hot noodles are allowed due to health and safety.
• We have now become a Peanut Free School due to children’s allergies/medical needs.
Morning Snack
Fruit, school milk, water, yoghurt drinks or a savoury sandwich are recommended for morning break in support of the Healthy Eating programme of the school.
Children are also encouraged to use refillable water containers throughout the day.