Religious Education

Our RE programme is based on the new Grow in Love Programme. This focuses on many aspects of the whole curriculum and develops every child’s needs. Parents have the opportunity to be involved in their child’s spiritual development.
Our school is an inclusive school and children from all faiths and creeds are integrated successfully into our school community. The ethos in our school is a Christian one, but as children progress through the school, different aspects of World Faiths are explored in their learning.
Parents may request that their children are not included in specific religious ceremonies. These children will be accommodated in our school with additional curriculum.
St Malachys Primary School have extremely strong links with Fr John our Parish Priest who visits the school on a regular basis to chat with the pupils and staff in a pastrol capacity. He thorouhly supports the Grow in Love programme and supports each class teacher in delivering the objectives.
Fr John is also an important role in helping the children prepare for each of the Sacraments, First Penance in P3, First Holy Communion in P4 and Confirmation in P7.