Welcome to Primary 6/7
Teacher: Mrs Ashlene McMullan
Classroom Assistants: Mrs Martina McMullan and Ms Martina Turnbull
P6/7 is really a very exciting and full year as our pupils enjoy the special status of being the oldest in the school. With this comes the opportunity to take on many different roles of responsibility as we appoint pupils from P6/7 to act as school librarians, ICT Monitors and reading buddies. The children really enjoy these roles and take their responsibilities very seriously. We also support our younger pupils, especially P1.
We get off to a busy start as some of our pupils prepare to sit the AQE and/or GL. Children are well prepared and supported by staff as they work hard to develop valuable numeracy and literacy skills needed for the test. Children who do not wish to sit the test also work hard on P7 numeracy and literacy and consolidate their skills in preparation for Year 8.
During the year we cover a range of different topics which, as well as relating to our literacy and numeracy, also cover the curriculum areas of history, geography, science and The Arts. We usually cover 5/6 topics throughout the year. Our Topics run over a 2-year period and include the following:
- Ireland
- Outer Space
- Titanic
- Rainforest
- Inventions and Inventors
- Vicious Vikings
- Eco-Warriors
- Extreme Earth
- Raging Rivers
ICT plays a very important part in the teaching and learning throughout P6/7. We teach the children how to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly
For P7 pupils, as part of our transition programme, we visit local post-primary schools where we sample their lessons. We also invite visitors from local post-primary schools to talk to our pupils and answer questions. During the summer term the pupils are engaged in a variety of lessons and activities to help them to prepare for moving to their new school in September.
Fr Aidan is our Local Parish Priest and we work closely with him all year, especially in the Spring Term when P7 prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Pupils also take part in the Cycling Proficiency Scheme and swimming lessons in Down Leisure Centre where the children learn emergency life support skills.
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