Welcome to P3/P4/P5 page
Teacher: Mr Clifford and Miss Lennon
Classroom Assistant: Mrs Carina Fitzsimons
In our class we are transitioning between foundation stage,
key stage one and key stage two, which makes for a very
industrious class! We all learn together and activities cater
for each ability. In St Malachy’s we strive for each child to
reach the very best they can be.
In Primary 3/4/5 we encounter a varied curriculum and will
engage in numeracy and literacy teaching every day. We are
very fortunate to be able to use both the ‘Mathletics’ and
‘Serial Mash’ platform which also supplements our learning
both at home and in school.
In 'World Around Us' we study four topics a year. This year we
will be learning about:
- Healthy Me
- Celebrations
- Polar Regions and Animals
- Minibeast
We love exploring our environment and community through our topics.
In St Malachy’s appreciating the Catholic Faith is extremely
important to us, and we are very lucky to have the support and
guidance from our local Parish Priest Fr John McManus. In
Primary 3 and 4 we make our First Confession and Holy
Communion, using the Grow in Love resources to reinforce
learning and understanding.
Thank you for reading all about our class and we look forward
to show case our learning through our class page.
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